LAboratoire de Psychologie
Sociale et COgnitive

L'étude de la cognition depuis ses bases cérébrales jusqu'à sa régulation sous l'influence de l'environnement social

Deffuant, G., Roozmand, O., Huet, S., Khamzina, K., Nugier, A., Guimond, S. (2022). Can biases in perceived attitudes explain anti-conformism ? in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, doi : 10.1109/TCSS.2022.3154034.
Dezecache G., Martin J.R., Tessier C., Safra L., Pitron V., Nuss P. & Grèzes J. (2021). Nature and determinants of social actions during a mass shooting. PLOS ONE, 16. doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0260392
Newson M., Zhao Y., El Zein M., Sulik J., Dezecache G., Deroy O. & Tunçgenç B. (2021). Digital contact does not promote wellbeing, but face-to-face does : A cross-national survey during the Covid-19 pandemic. New Media & Society. doi : 10.1177/14614448211062164


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Science Robotics Live Chat on Facebook for the LAPSCO

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13 Septembre 2018. Science Robotics Live Chat on Facebook for the LAPSCO’s paper focusing on social robotic presence and attentional mechanisms.

Robots made especially for social interaction are rapidly advancing to soon take their place next to humans in homes, schools, and clinics. However, continued development of smarter and more reliable social robots requires a much better understanding of human-robot interaction. That’s because social interaction is a complex process. When humans interact, we process a diverse array of factors all at once, including knowledge, beliefs, goals, desires, and emotions, as well as sensory cues.

Join us for a discussion with experts in social robotics from CNRS and Universiteit Gent as they assess the social and psychological effects of interacting with these robots and discuss how their research might help propel the next generation of social robots. Live demos of their robots included !

Follow @scipak, @SciRobotics, CNRS News.

[source : Science Robotics on Facebook]

Spatola N., Belletier C., Normand A., Chausse P., Monceau S., Augustinova M., Barra V., Huguet P.*, & Ferrand L.*. (2018). * equal contribution. Not as bad as it seems : When the presence of a threatening humanoid robot improves human performance. Science Robotics, 3, eaat5843. doi : 10.1126/scirobotics.aat5843