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14/06/2018 – Amanda BENSON

jeudi 14 juin 2018, par Guillaume VALLET

The effects of the type of exercise supervision during a workplace randomised controlled trial on health and the reliability and validity of the Apple Watch

Date : 14 juin 2018
Heure : 10h30 - 12h00
Lieu : Salle 404


Supervised exercise has achieved greater health outcomes than unsupervised exercise in clinical exercise trials, however, comparisons between supervision types have not been made in healthy employees. This randomised controlled trial compared the effectiveness of personal, non-personal and no-exercise supervision in the workplace to improve employee health.
Eighty-five Australian university employees were randomised to either personal supervision, non-personal (typical gym-based) supervision or unsupervised control (CON) exercise groups.
Participants received a 16-week, individually tailored, moderate-to-high intensity aerobic and resistance exercise program to complete at an onsite gymnasium (SUP and NPS) or without access to a specific exercise facility (CON). Access to an onsite exercise facilities and personal (1:1) exercise supervision confers greater improvements than non-personal (typical gym) supervision or unsupervised exercise over 16 weeks, however, adherance to training is still challenging.

The quantified-self movement has led to an increase in the popularity of consumer sensor and wearable technology for health and fitness. However, consumers and health professionals need confidence that these devices can consistently and accurately measure the intended outcome for them to be used as part of an effective and safe intervention strategy. Currently, evidence on the reliability and validity of these devices is limited with varied quality depending on the outcome of interest. Some of our work on the current status of the validity and reliability of the Apple Watch wearable technology will be presented and how this may be integrated into future interventions.


Pr. Amanda BENSON
Associate Professor
Swinburne University of Technology (Australia)

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